It’s standard to tip drivers at the time of drop-off and pick-up.
Next, enter your MGM Rewards card to earn points, or use your free valet perks if you’re eligible. This sends the information to their valet drivers, so they know what car to retrieve. Picking up your car from the valet is a breeze. After that, you’ll be charged for 1 – 4 hours, 4 – 24 hours, and a flat rate for each day beyond 24 hours. Self Parking FeesĪnyone using the parking garage receives the first hour free. Unless you qualify for free valet parking, self-parking rates will always be cheaper. Valet parking rates are higher, and a tip is a common courtesy on top of the parking rate. Bellagio Parking Feesīellagio parking fees are based on how long you’re parked. And, Gold level members and higher get free valet parking. If you aren’t a Nevada native, you can still get free parking using MGM Rewards! Rewards members who are Pearl (2nd level) or higher receive self-parking at no cost. Nevada residents receive complimentary self-parking at Bellagio for up to 3 hours with a valid NV driver’s license. Free Parking at BellagioĮveryone can get up to one hour in the parking garage. Bellagio parking includes two valets and a self-parking garage at some fairly pricey fees, but you can still get free parking at the Bellagio.