I've written logic to only show the dealer's first card and card value until the player's turn is over.I've heavily commented the JS code, and will continue to do so with the HTML and CSS as I learn more about all three.Card Images, because who wants to decipher what 5C, AS, JH means?.A dealer, because Blackjack is way more fun when there's some competition.Variable bet amounts (using 4 different customizable buttons).An actual set of decks put together rather than just picking completely random values each time.I've gone further than the example in the video by adding the following: It keeps them readable on all screen sizes.
I found that using a width of 7vmax allowed me to neatly display up to 11 cards per person on the screen. The most difficult part was figuring out how to get the images to scale responsively. I completely re-wrote the HTML and CSS using grid and flex to make the layout fully responsive for all screen layouts. Also added back in the facedown dealer card (It stopped working after I updated the layout). Increased the size of the buttons for better use on mobile. Also fixed a DOM object that I had created but Added in font color changes for the status messages. (His repository for his version here) Updates:
This is my first javascript project and was inspired by this freeCodeCamp tutorial by scrimba: Blackjack A simple Blackjack game written in HTML5, CSS, and Javascript.